September 10, 2013

Meteor Paintball Markers?

While perusing the interwebs, I came across a series of paintball blasters I had never seen before.
So far, the only references I've seen have been on a few UK wholesale sites, such as Tobar, and a relatively recent TRU listing of a 500ct paintball refill. There are other markers in the product line, as pictured below:

The Slingstryker:
The Bow Stryker (DAT HAIRDO):
A dude with a, I mean...blowpipe:

And finally, the crossbow:
Notice that there are lots of triggers, but that they're placed near the loading area for the paintballs. I'm guessing that makes them the reload "button", and all of these will be pull and release blasters like the newer Supasplat blasters (see a review from Foam Nation HERE). The range claimed on the meteor line is 20 meters - roughly 65', like the Supasplat markers. With some digging, you can even find that Tech Group Global (Supasplat line) and Out of Bounds Group, Ltd (look closely at the label of the 500ct refill at TRU) are in the exact same building in Hong Kong, albeit in different rooms.

My take? These are a more stylish remold of the Supasplat markers. I'm not seeing much potential unless the pistol happens to actually have a functioning trigger, and the blasters are powered by something other than internal bungees. Cool shells, but my hopes aren't high.


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