
December 3, 2013

Pimp My PVC - Fun with Stains!

While browsing the internet for information on painting or dyeing plastics (I've explored dyeing clear blasters, and pSykSG made an excellent tutorial video for that), I looked into colorizing PVC. Fabric dye can do the job given enough time, but the heat needed can potentially warp the plastic if you're not careful. If you prefer actual painting skills to trying to boil large amounts of water, then THIS method seems to do the trick!
Combining PVC cleaner with petroleum dye (or any other oil-based dye) allows you to wipe the outside of your PVC of marks and manufacturer imprints, and you're changing the color at the same time. This method can be expensive if you plan on doing many colors, but it would allow some creativity for a decent price if you only do one color. Be that neighborhood kid with a red Pumpsnap!

Another option stains the PVC to emulate wood grain, which can make for even cooler designs. Making a bow-powered blaster? You should stain the bow arms for effect!

Or just make a strange, flexible walking stick. Your choice.
I'm planning on experimenting with these techniques in the future. Has anyone else in the NIC tried this before?


  1. الحشرات تنتشر الحشرات في الدول العربية بسبب ارتفاع درجات الحرارة والرطوبة العالية في العديد من المناطق المطلة على المسطحات المائية ، وتسبب هذه الحشرات والآفات أضرارًا كبيرة في المنازل أو الأعمال التجارية ، وخاصة تلك المتخصصة في المنتجات الغذائية. شركة مكافحة الحشرات بالدمام
    ارخص شركة مكافحة حشرات
