
July 24, 2015

Buzz Bee Toys Air Max Tyrant Review

After waiting for Walmart to finally move things from their distribution center, I finally got my hands on the Buzz Bee Air Max Tyrant. It's a large blaster, meant for firing Buzz Bee's XL Distance darts, a suction cup tipped counterpart to Nerf's Mega darts. With this blaster, Buzz Bee has done what Nerf couldn't with the Centurion - make a reliable clip-fed Mega dart blaster.

July 11, 2015

Cincinnati Indoor War Footage

This is a bit late, from two weeks ago, but I tried throwing my Panosphere 360 mini camera under my modded Stampede. It worked well, but I need to make a proper mount for it using the tac rails. I also need to further refine my formatting of the fisheye lens video. That said, enjoy!

July 4, 2015

Geospace Air Archer Review

I've come across the Geospace foam rockets at various supermarkets, including Kroger. This display, however, caught my eye, since it involved more than just a push-pull launching tube. So I picked one up for $15. For science!

The Air Archer claims up to 150' ranges - a dubious claim, especially for a novelty toy company. I couldn't get anywhere near those ranges. But if you're in the mood for some fun with an oddball blaster, don't completely discount the Air Archer.

July 2, 2015

Cyber Hunter "Cooler Stryfe" Review and Mod Guide

After a work-induced hiatus, I'm back to post a backlog of reviews and updates! Starting things off will be a post that should've happened a long time ago - my review and basic mod instructions for the Cyber Hunter "Cooler Stryfe" (as dubbed by pSyk). You can find it on various "Buy China" websites like Taobao or AliExpress.

The blaster on top, to be more precise.